
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
The Disappearance of Melanie Etheir
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Almost 27 years ago, Melanie (Mel) Ethier, was walking home from a friends house in quiet Ontario town, when something happened and she was never seen again. There are so many cinnamon twists and churro turnies including not 1 BUT 2 possible cases of mistaken identity! But, you guys, there is one theory that I REALLY believe to my core, is the answer to the question: What happened to Melanie Ethier. Listen to today's episode and find out all about it!

Friday Jul 21, 2023
Cursed Jewels
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Today we will discuss 6 notoriously cursed jewels who brought their owners nothing but misfortune, insanity and even death. MORAL OF THE STORY: Don't steal or acquire stolen sacred Hindu jewels. Seems like a no brainer but... ya know.

Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Unsolved Homicide of Aleksandr Levin
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
One morning in January 2013, a passerby near Centraal Station in Amsterdam noticed bright blue parcel floating in the IJ River. Many people had probably seen it and thought nothing of it but this person thought something seemed suspicious... and they were right.
I have a few more to add, will update in a bit!

Friday Jul 07, 2023
Mind Boggling Case of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froone were living their best life. They had just graduated from college and wanted to celebrate by going on the adventure of a lifetime- Panama! One day, Kris sent her BF a quick FB message letting him know she and Lisanne would be going on a hike and then.. no one ever heard from them again. 10 weeks later their remains were found 14 hours walking distance from the trail's head. Their phones and cameras had been in use on and off for 11 days before being turned off for the final time. What happened to them? And what's the deal with a missing photo deleted from the digital camera? The one photo that seems to separate "happy, fun, go lucky" Lisanne and Kris and "creepy AF" pics of darkness?! Don't get me wrong, I love hiking, but this episode is making me rethink all my life choices. This case reminds us that nature is beautiful but it can also be terrifying...

Wednesday May 31, 2023
Hagner, Richens & Wilson: Current Cases
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
As much as I love covering old timey cases, seriously, they're my jam, I don't want to ignore the many current cases currently happening around the world. So, for my first installment of MSU: Current Cases, I chose to cover Ylva Hagner, the Palo Alto woman who disappeared from NASA's parking lot. Eric Richens who died last year and now his wife is being charged with his death which may not have been so "unexplainable" after all. Lastly, we'll cover Chris "Willow" Wilson, a crocodile wrangler who died just a few months ago and now his best friend is being charged?! All of these cases are currently pending which means more information will most likely come every day regarding them- but I want to talk about them and get your thoughts and ideas!

Thursday May 04, 2023
Legend of the Chupacabra
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
In honor of Cinco de Mayo, today we will be delving into a cryptid of latin origin. The Chupacabra is a relatively new creature, first reported in the 1990s. The first sighting was made on the tiny island of Puerto Rico and since then, sightings have been reported thoughout the world. One thing you may not know, is that not all locations view the chupacabra the same. In Mexico and Puerto Rico the animal has a more reptilian appearance and in the southwestern United States, the chupacabra is described more like a canine. I bet you don't know all there is to know about Chupacabras so take a listen!!
Unexplained with William Shatner “Strange Creatures”
Species (1995)

Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Legend of the Wendigo
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
The legend of the Wendigo is one of the most frightening and disturbing that I've ever heard- and it originated in North America of all places! Did a malevolent monster really walk among us or was it a warning to those who gave in to selfish impulses? Scientists say one thing, but the first hand accounts ranging from 1661 to the mid 1980s say differently!

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
RECAP: Youths, 2 Greedy Men and then there was Fumbles: Unsolved Mysteries S1E11
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
We haven't done an episode with my boyfriend Robert "Snack" Stack in over a year! 3 So We're doing one today! We will discuss 4 unsolved crimes (SPOILER ALERT! There are some UPDATES!)
The first is the tragic case of Jenny Pratt who just happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong person.
Then we have "Hit the Road" Jack Quinn, the VP of a security firm who woke up one morning, kiss his wife, and disappeared with 1.3 million stolen dollars from his place of employment.
Next we have Geneva & Clarence. One night, a property behind them caught on fire. When the ash cleared, Clarence was found in the rubble- apparently a suicide. However 10 years later another fire occurred involving Geneva, but when the ashes cleared- Both Geneva & Clarence were found!! But how could this be?
And lastly, we'll talk about a Florida Man story--"Fumbles" A bumbling idiot bank robber who robbed 30 banks before getting caught by a tipster moments after the episode aired.
Unsolved Mysteries S1E11

Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Hoia Baciu: The Creepy Romanian Forest
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Transylvania is known for Vlad the impaler, the inspiration behind the infamous Dracula character, but did you know it's also the home to the creepy Romanian Forest, Hoia Baciu?! This place is said by locals to be the "summer home" to the devil himself, a portal to another dimension, a possible time machine or the favorite tourist spot for species of the alien variety. Take a listen to today's episode and hear some of my favorite stories that are believed to take place in this daunting forest!

Friday Apr 07, 2023
April Fools Special with a Special Guest: MY MOM, MADY!
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
The stars finally aligned and both my Mom and I are having our Spring Breaks on the same week so...In honor of April Fool's Day, today I will be sharing with you a few of my favorite dumb and downright ridiculous crimes from history! My mom joins in on the fun and shares her honest reactions to these "not so well thought out" blunders, haha! Including, but not limited to, putting pigs on trial for murder, a man who shoved the royal jewels down his underpants and a guy who probably wished he hadn't robbed a place with a parrot :D
We hope you find these tales as humorous as we did!
World's Dumbest Criminals: Historical tales of Bungling Burglars, Hashed Hijacks & Foolhardy Fraudsters